Let me introduce myself

My name is Dan Lange.  I am a husband to a beautiful, supporting wife, father to two wonderful little girls, Gemma and Ella and am an avid fisherman.  I have lived in Central Illinois my whole life and have been fishing the lakes and rivers here since I can remember.  My father started me fishing when I was young, and I have been “hooked” ever since.

Some of my fondest memories growing up involve a hook and some bait.  Throughout my childhood I spent many afternoons baking under the hot summer sun on the banks of the many waterways Central Illinois has to offer.  Then in my teens, one of my favorite past times was to grab a jar of stink bait and go set out poles along the Sangamon River and catch catfish.  As time grew on and I got into my 20’s that is when I discovered crappie fishing and have focused on figuring out how to catch these tasty critters ever since.

Now I am chasing a dream of starting my own business and taking people fishing to create memories of their own.  I crappie fish year-round if the lakes aren’t frozen and even then, I still go hit the banks of my favorite power plant lakes where the water never freezes.  I may have to thaw out my beard afterward but I’m still catching crappie.  The colder months of the year are my favorite time to fish.  There is less boat traffic and the fishing can be amazing which always helps me stay warm.

I sincerely hope booking a trip with Tight Lines Guide Service will help create lasting memories for other families as well.  I love to crappie fish and along the way I hope I can help other anglers improve their techniques, get some meat in the freezer for a fish fry or enjoy a stress free day on the lake.




Dan Lange